month : 09/2020 48 results

Alimentando Práticas – Cronobiologia e sistema imunológico – Neiva Souza – Artigo 4

The mediating role of sleep, physical activity, and diet in the association between shift work and respiratory infections Objectives Shift work may be associated with an increased incidence of respiratory infections. However, underlying mechanisms are unclear. Therefore, our aim was to examine the mediating role of sleep, physical activity, and diet in the association between shift work and respiratory infections. Methods This prospective cohort study included 396 shift and non-shift workers employed in hospitals. At baseline, sleep duration and physical activity were measured using ...

Alimentando Práticas – Cronobiologia e sistema imunológico – Neiva Souza – Artigo 3

Sleep Loss as a Factor to Induce Cellular and Molecular Inflammatory Variations A reduction in the amount of time spent sleeping occurs chronically in modern society. Clinical and experimental studies in humans and animal models have shown that immune function is impaired when sleep loss is experienced. Sleep loss exerts a strong regulatory influence on peripheral levels of inflammatory mediators of the immune response. An increasing number of research projects support the existence of reciprocal regulation between sleep and low-intensity inflammatory response. Recent studies show that ...

Alimentando Práticas – Cronobiologia e sistema imunológico – Neiva Souza – Artigo 2

Rhythms of life: circadian disruption and brain disorders across the lifespan Abstract Many processes in the human body — including brain function — are regulated over the 24-hour cycle, and there are strong associations between disrupted circadian rhythms (for example, sleep–wake cycles) and disorders of the CNS. Brain disorders such as autism, depression and Parkinson disease typically develop at certain stages of life, and circadian rhythms are important during each stage of life for the regulation of processes that may influence the development of these disorders. Here, we ...

Alimentando Práticas – Cronobiologia e sistema imunológico – Neiva Souza – Artigo 1

Melatonin and Its Relation to the Immune System and Inflammation ABSTRACT: Melatonin (N -acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) was initially thought to be produced exclusively in the pineal gland. Subsequently its synthesis was demonstrated in other organs, for example, the retinas, and very high concentrations of melatonin are found at other sites, for example, bone marrow cells and bile. The origin of the high level of melatonin in these locations has not been definitively established, but it is likely not exclusively of pineal origin. Melatonin has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory ...

Alimentando Práticas – Cronobiologia e sistema imunológico – Neiva Souza – slides

Neiva Souza Nutricionista. Doutoranda em Neurologia e Neurociências no Laboratório de Neurobiologia da Pineal. Pós-graduada em Nutrição Clínica Funcional, Fitoterapia Funcional e em Nutrição Esportiva Funcional pela Unicsul/VP. Docente do curso de pós-graduação em Nutrição Clínica Funcional e Fitoterapia Funcional da Unicsul/VP.

Nutrição e Osteoporose – Intervenção Nutricional

Associados,  juntamente com os artigos do mês, vocês receberão uma cartilha resumo com as principais intervenções nutricionais da condição/ doença que é tema do mês! A cartilha resumo poderá ser utilizada como um material de apoio para o momento do atendimento nutricional, facilitando a prescrição de condutas com base nos dados mais recentes dos estudos científicos.

Nutrição e Osteoporose – Artigo 21

Magnesium and Osteoporosis: Current State of Knowledge and Future Research Directions Abstract: A tight control of magnesium homeostasis seems to be crucial for bone health. On the basis of experimental and epidemiological studies, both low and high magnesium have harmful effects on the bones. Magnesium deficiency contributes to osteoporosis directly by acting on crystal formation and on bone cells and indirectly by impacting on the secretion and the activity of parathyroid hormone and by promoting low grade inflammation. Less is known about the mechanisms responsible for the mineralizat...

Nutrição e Osteoporose – Artigo 20

Magnesium intake, bone mineral density, and fractures: results from the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study ABSTRACT Background: Magnesium is a necessary component of bone, but its relation to osteoporotic fractures is unclear. Objective: We examined magnesium intake as a risk factor for osteoporotic fractures and altered bone mineral density (BMD). Design: This prospective cohort study included 73,684 postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study. Total daily magnesium intake was estimated from baseline food-frequency questionnaires ...