Nutrição e Endometriose – Intervenção Nutricional
Associados, juntamente com os artigos do mês, vocês receberão uma cartilha resumo com as principais intervenções nutricionais da condição/ doença que é tema do mês! A cartilha resumo poderá ser utilizada como um material de apoio para o momento do atendimento nutricional, facilitando a prescrição de condutas com base nos dados mais recentes dos estudos científicos.
Nutrição e Endometriose – Artigo 19
Novel Drug Targets with Traditional Herbal Medicines for Overcoming Endometriosis
Abstract: Endometriosis is a disease in which the lining of the endometrium is found outside of the uterus. Recent medical treatments for endometriosis have adverse effects, limiting their long-term use. Furthermore, the recurrence of the disease after the cessation of therapy is quite common, and most patients need to continue treatment to maintain a hypoestrogenic environment till conception. Notwithstanding recent advances in computational and chemical practices, traditional medicines are considered the ...
Nutrição e Endometriose – Artigo 18
RESUMO: A endometriose é uma doença crônica, inflamatória, estrogênio-dependente que ocorre durante o período reprodutivo da vida da mulher, caracterizando-se pela presença de tecido endometrial, glândula e/ou estroma, fora da cavidade uterina. Ainda é uma doença de difícil diagnóstico, o que nos leva a considerar a prevalência e não a incidência como melhor parâmetro para a análise dos aspectos epidemiológicos. Esses estimam que cerca de 70 milhões de mulheres são acometidas pela doença no mundo, sendo uma ...
Nutrição e Endometriose – Artigo 17
O papel da dieta na etiologia da endometriose
Introdução: A endometriose é uma condição inflamatória crônica e hormônio-dependente. Fatores genéticos, imunológicos e ambientais podem estar implicados na patogênese da endometriose. Nesse sentido, esse estudo tem por objetivo descrever o papel da dieta na etiologia da endometriose. Método: Foi realizada uma busca eletrônica no PubMed, no período entre 1 de janeiro de 2012 e 31 de dezembro de 2016, empregando os termos “endometriosis and diet” e “endometriosis and food”. Os critérios de inclusão foram: relaç...
Nutrição e Endometriose – Artigo 16
Advantages of the association of resveratrol with oral contraceptives for management of endometriosis-related pain
Background: The effect of resveratrol on the management of endometriosis-related pain was investigated in 12 patients who failed to obtain pain relief during use of an oral contraceptive containing drospirenone + ethinylestradiol.
Methods and results: The addition of 30 mg of resveratrol to the contraceptive regimen resulted in a significant reduction in pain scores, with 82% of patients reporting complete resolution of dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain after 2 months of use. In a ...
Nutrição e Endometriose – Artigo 15
Effects of endometriosis on sleep quality of women: does life style factor make a difference?
Background: This study aimed to compare the lifestyle factors and SQ between women with and without endometriosis. Also in this essay, the influence of food intake, socio-demographic and clinical characteristics on
sleep quality of women with endometriosis was determined.
Methods: Of the 156 infertile women approached for the study, 78 women had endometriosis and 78 were included in the control group. At first, each participant completed a checklist including questions about demograp...
Nutrição e Endometriose – Artigo 14
Antioxidant Supplementation Reduces Endometriosis Related Pelvic Pain in Humans
We had previously suggested that women with endometriosis have increased oxidative stress in the peritoneal cavity. In order to assess whether antioxidant supplementation would ameliorate endometriosis associated symptoms, we performed a randomized, placebo controlled trial of antioxidant vitamins (Vitamin E and C) in women with pelvic pain and endometriosis. Fifty nine women, ages 19–41 years, with pelvic pain and history of endometriosis and/or infertility were recruited for this study. Patients ...
Nutrição e Endometriose – Artigo 13
A prospective cohort study of Vitamins B, C, E, and multivitamin intake and endometriosis
Purpose—Diet is a potentially modifiable risk factor for endometriosis. It has been hypothesized that vitamins C, E, and the B vitamins may influence factors involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis, such as oxidative stress and steroid hormone metabolism. In this large, prospective cohort study, we examined the relation between intake of vitamins C, E, the B vitamins, and the use of multivitamin supplements and diagnosis of endometriosis.
Methods—Data were collected from women in ...