month : 03/2022 11 results

Nutrição e Biogênese mitocondrial – Artigo 3

Biogenêse mitocondrial e exercício físico: hipótese do acoplamento elétrico-transcripcional Resumo Uma das principais modifi cações ocorridas no organismo em decorrência do treinamento físico-esportivo envolvendo exercícios físicos de longa duração é o aumento na quantidade e qualidade funcional de mitocôndrias do tecido muscular esquelético. Não existe até o momento um mecanismo causal explicativo para esse fenômeno. A proposta a ser discutida neste ensaio é denominada por “hipótese do acoplamento elétrico-transcripcional”. Segundo a mesma, modifi cações na ...

Nutrição e Biogênese mitocondrial – Artigo 2

Ubisol Coenzyme Q10 promotes mitochondrial biogenesis in HT22 cells challenged by glutamate Abstract. Glutamate‑induced excitotoxicity is a well-recognized cause of neuronal cell death. Nutritional supplementation with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has been previously demonstrated to serve neuro‑protective effects against glutamate‑induced excitotoxicity. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the protective effect of CoQ10 against glutamate toxicity could be attributed to stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis. Mouse hippocampal neuronal HT22 cells were incubated with glutamate ...

Nutrição e Biogênese mitocondrial – Artigo 1

Mitochondrial response to nutrient availability and its role in metabolic disease Abstract Metabolic inflexibility is defined as an impaired capacity to switch between different energy substrates and is a hallmark of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Hence, understanding the mechanisms underlying proper metabolic flexibility is key to prevent the development of metabolic disease and physiological deterioration. An important downstream player in the effects of metabolic flexibility is the mitochondrion. The objective of this review was to describe how mitochondrial ...