day : 15/08/2022 11 results

Nutrição e Dieta Cetogênica – Artigo 3

The Potential Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet: A Narrative Review Abstract: Considering the lack of a comprehensive, multi-faceted overview of the ketogenic diet (KD) in relation to health issues, we compiled the evidence related to the use of the ketogenic diet in relation to its impact on the microbiome, the epigenome, diabetes, weight loss, cardiovascular health, and cancer. The KD diet could potentially increase genetic diversity of the microbiome and increase the ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes. The epigenome might be positively affected by the KD since it creates a ...

Nutrição e Dieta Cetogênica – Artigo 2

Applications of Ketogenic Diets in Patients with Headache: Clinical Recommendations Abstract: Headaches are among the most prevalent and disabling neurologic disorders and there are several unmet needs as current pharmacological options are inadequate in treating patients with chronic headache, and a growing interest focuses on nutritional approaches as non-pharmacological treatments. Among these, the largest body of evidence supports the use of the ketogenic diet (KD). Exactly 100 years ago, KD was first used to treat drug-resistant epilepsy, but subsequent applications of this diet also ...

Nutrição e Dieta Cetogênica – Artigo 1

Dieta cetogênica: como colocar em prática? Resumo Dieta cetogênica (KD) é uma abordagem dietética rica em gordura, adequada em proteína e com níveis insuficientes de carboidrato para as demandas metabólicas. A maior parte do conhecimento associado à KD vem dos estudos sobre jejum prolongado, dado que ambos produzem o mesmo estado chamado de cetose fisiológica. Os protocolos de dietas cetogênicas mais utilizados atualmente são a “clássica” (ou 4:1), a dieta MAD (dieta Atkins modificada), a dieta MCT (medium chain triglyceride ketogenic diet) e a dieta LGIT (low glycemic ...