Nutrição e Tireoidite de Hashimoto – Artigo 4
Vitamin D and thyroid disorders: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of observational studies
Background: The contribution of vitamin D to thyroid disorders has received paramount attention; however, results
are mixed. Hence, we designed a systematic review and meta-analysis to obtain a definitive conclusion.
Methods: The search included PubMed, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases up to March
2021 to collect available papers reporting the relationship between serum levels of vitamin D and thyroid disorders.
The pooled effect was reported as weighted ...
Nutrição e Tireoidite de Hashimoto – Artigo 3
The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Thyroid Function in Hypothyroid Patients: A Randomized, Double‑blind, Placebo‑controlled Trial
Background: The presence of vitamin D receptors in most tissues and cells in the human body leads to that vitamin D was considered as a unique hormone.[1] Several studies have demonstrated that vitamin D has an effect in decreasing the risk of chronic illnesses including autoimmune, infectious and cardiovascular diseases.[2–4] It has been estimated that more than one billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency...
Nutrição e Tireoidite de Hashimoto – Artigo 2
Nutritional Management of Thyroiditis of Hashimoto
Abstract: Since the thyroid gland is one of the organs most affected by autoimmune processes, many patients with thyroiditis of Hashimoto (TH) seek medical advice on lifestyle variance and dietary modifications to improve and maintain their hyroid function. In this review, we aim to present and discuss some challenges associated with the nutritional management of TH, focusing on environmental and dietary deficits, inflammatory and toxic nutrients, cyanotoxins, etc. We discuss the relationships among different diets, chronic inflammation, ...
Nutrição e Tireoidite de Hashimoto – Artigo 1
The Influence of Nutritional Intervention in the Treatment of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis — A Systematic Review
Abstract: Diet can be a complementary treatment for Hashimoto’s disease by affecting thyroid function and anti-inflammatory properties. It is still unclear which dietary strategy would be the most beneficial. The aim of this systematic review is to examine all the data currently available in the literature on the effects of nutritional intervention on biochemical parameters (anti-thyroid antibody and thyroid hormones levels) and characteristic symptoms in the course of Hashim...
Salgado de Batata Doce e Frango com recheio de queijo s/ lactose 🍠
Salgado de Batata Doce e Frango com recheio de queijo s/ lactose 🍠
• 1 xícara de batata doce cozida e amassada 🍠
• 1 xícara de frango cozido, desfiado e temperado
• ¼ xícara de farelo de Aveia
• 1 unidade de ovo caipira 🥚
• ¼ xícara de leite vegetal (arroz, aveia ou amêndoas) 🥚
• ½ xícara de queijo meia cura sem lactose Verde Campo
• 2 colheres de chá de sal marinho
• 1 colher de chá de tempero curry, masala ou tandori em pó
• Ervas frescas à gosto 🌿
• 1 colher de café de páprica defumada
Bolo de Laranja com Casca 🍊
Bolo de Laranja com Casca 🍊
• 1 xícara de chuchu ou abobrinha ralados
• 2 unidades de ovos 🥚
• 1 unidade de laranja pêra orgânica com casca
• ¼ xícara de óleo de coco ou azeite ou ghee
• ⅔ de xícara de açúcar demerara
• 1 xícara de farinha de amêndoas
• ½ xícara de farinha de arroz 🍚
• ½ xícara de farelo de aveia
• 1 pitada de sal marinho 🥚
• 1 colher de sopa de fermento em pó
Modo de preparo:
Misturar todos os ingredientes secos em uma tigela, exceto o fermento e o açúcar.
Lavar bem a ...
Estrogonofe de Banana Verde 💚
Estrogonofe de Banana Verde 💚
Deixe o creme de leite de lado e venha aprender essa receita deliciosa de strogonoff de frango! Tudo pode ser saudável, só depende de como é feito! 😋
• 1 xícara de biomassa de banana verde
• 1 copo de 250ml de caldo de frango
• 1 unidade grande (300g) de peito de frango em cubos
• ⅓ colher de chá de sal 🧂
• 1 pitada de pimenta do reino moída na hora
• ½ unidade de cebola picada 🧂
• 4 dentes de alho picado
• 1 lata de tomate pelado 🍅
• ½ bandeja de cogumelos frescos ...