• Evento imperdível

    Associado, vem ai mais um encontro!   Dia 08 de novembro de 2018 Alimentando Práticas Discussões relevantes em Nutrição Funcional Participe e atualize-se! Lembramos que o encontro será restrito aos associados.       Clique aqui para acessar todas as edições da revista   Boa leitura!  
  • Revista Brasileira de Nutrição Funcional – 2018 – edição 74

    Baixe a versão parcial da revista. Para baixar a completa, é necessário ser associado. A individualidade bioquímica é um pilar fundamental da nutrição funcional, que direciona condutas personalizadas para cada indivíduo. Esta edição traz uma revisão que tem como tema central a aplicação da nutrigenômica na determinação do melhor tipo de dieta, mostrando o impacto das variações genéticas nas nossas necessidades nutrici...
  • Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 20

    Neurotoxicity from prenatal and postnatal exposure to methylmercury Abstract The extent to which postnatal methylmercury exposure contributes to neurobehavioral delays is uncertain. Confounding may occur because the child's dietary exposure likely correlates with the mother's. This conundrum was examined in the Faroese birth cohort 1 born in 1986–1987. Exposure parameters included mercury concentrations in maternal hair at parturition, ...
  • Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 19

    Mercury contamination in Southern New England coastal fisheries and dietary habits of recreational anglers and their families: Implications to human health and issuance of consumption advisories Abstract Total mercury (Hg) was measured in coastal fishes from Southern New England (RI, USA), and Hg exposure was estimated for anglers and family members that consumed these resources. Fish Hg was positively related to total length (n = 2028 ...
  • Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 18

    Low-Level Toxic Metal Exposure in Healthy Weaning-Age Infants: Association with Growth, Dietary Intake, and Iron Deficiency Abstract: Even low levels of toxic metal exposure (As, Cd, Hg, and Pb) in infancy might be harmful to children’s development. This study investigated toxic metal exposure on healthy weaning-age infants and its relationship with growth, diet, and iron/anemia status. The weight, height, head circumference, whole ...
  • Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 17

    Infant Exposure to Metals through Consumption of Formula Feeding in Mekelle, Ethiopia This study aimed at determination of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, and zinc) in milk-based infant formulas collected fromMekelle, Ethiopia, and their associated health risks to the infants through consumption of these products. The infant feeding samples were dry-ashed in a muffle furnace followed by digestion in nitric acid and the resulting solutions ...
  • Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 16

    Identification of toxic metals in human embryonic tissues A b s t r a c t Introduction: The cause of a significant number of miscarriages remains unexplained. There is a need to identify the potential role of environmental, dietary and lifestyle factors in the risk of pregnancy loss. The present study was the first to investigate the content of miscarried embryonic material with respect to eight metals (aluminium, cadmium, chromium, ...
  • Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 15

    Heavy metal contamination of prenatal vitamins AB S T R A C T Prenatal vitamins are often consumed daily during gestation and postnatally for up to 18–24 months with the belief that supplementation achieves better outcomes. Detrimental effects of gestational exposure to adverse chemical agents are gathering increasing attention. This study was designed to assess toxic element contamination in prenatal supplements. Twenty-six commonly ...