
Instituto Brasileiro de Nutrição Funcional Respeite seus Genes!

Posts by IBNF 1455 results

Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 5

Dietary Approach to Recurrent or Chronic Hyperkalaemia in Patients with Decreased Kidney Function Abstract Whereas the adequate intake of potassium is relatively high in healthy adults, i.e., 4.7 g per day, a dietary potassium restriction of usually less than 3 g per day is recommended in the management of patients with reduced kidney function, especially those who tend to develop hyperkalaemia including patients who are treated with angiotensin pathway modulators. Most potassium-rich foods are considered heart-healthy nutrients with high fibre, high anti-oxidant vitamins and ...

Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 4

Dietary Acid Load and Potassium Intake Associate with Blood Pressure and Hypertension Prevalence in a Representative Sample of the German Adult Population Abstract Diets rich in fruits and vegetables, like the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-diet, are usually characterized by high potassium intake and reduced dietary acid load, and have been shown to reduce blood pressure (BP). However, the relevance of potential renal acid load (PRAL) for BP has not been compared with the relevance to BP of urinary biomarker (K-urine)- and dietary food frequency questionnaire ...

Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 3

Dietary acid load and chronic kidney disease in elderly adults: Protein and potassium intake Abstract Background Dietary net endogenous acid production (NEAP), which represents total dietary load of nonvolatile acid, may affect kidney function. Estimated NEAP (eNEAP) is calculated indirectly by the ratio of protein and potassium intake. A few studies are available assessing the association between eNEAP and chronic kidney disease (CKD), and its relation to dietary protein and potassium intake in the elderly.

Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 2

Association between Dietary Intake and Coronary Artery Calcification in Non-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease: The PROGREDIR Study Abstract: Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is a widespread condition in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Diet may play an important role in CAC, but this role is not clear. This study evaluated the association between macro-and micronutrient intakes and CAC in non-dialysis CKD patients. We analyzed the baseline data from 454 participants of the PROGREDIR study. Dietary intake was evaluated by a food frequency questionnaire. CAC was measured by computed ...

Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 1

Amino Acid Medical Foods Provide a High Dietary Acid Load and Increase Urinary Excretion of Renal Net Acid, Calcium, and Magnesium Compared with Glycomacropeptide Medical Foods in Phenylketonuria Introduction PKU (PKU; OMIM 261600) is an inherited metabolic disorder characterized by high Phe concentrations in blood due to mutations in the gene which encodes phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH; EC PAH catalyzes the hepatic conversion of Phe to Tyr using tetrahydrobiopterin as a cofactor [1]. Untreated PKU causes Phe to accumulate in the brain resulting in profound ...