Dieta Paleo – Artigo 12
From lifetime to evolution: timescales of human gut
microbiota adaptation
Human beings harbor gut microbial communities that are essential to preserve human health. Molded by the human genome, the gut microbiota (GM) is an adaptive component of the human superorganisms that allows host adaptation at different timescales, optimizing host physiology from daily life to lifespan scales and human evolutionary history. The GM continuously changes from birth up to the most extreme limits of human life, reconfiguring
its metagenomic layout in response to daily variations in diet or specific ...
Dieta Paleo – Artigo 11
Favourable effects of consuming a Palaeolithictype
diet on characteristics of the metabolic syndrome: a randomized controlled pilot-study
Background: The main goal of this randomized controlled single-blinded pilot study was to study whether, independent of weight loss, a Palaeolithic-type diet alters characteristics of the metabolic syndrome. Next we searched for outcome variables that might become favourably influenced by a Paleolithic-type diet and may provide new insights in the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the metabolic syndrome. In addition, more
information ...
Dieta Paleo – Artigo 10
Established dietary estimates of net acid production do not predict measured net acid excretion in patients with Type 2 diabetes on Paleolithic-Hunter-Gatherer-type diets
Background—Formulas developed to estimate diet-dependent net acid excretion (NAE) generally agree with measured values for typical Western diets. Whether they can also appropriately predict NAE for "Paleolithic-type" (Paleo) diets – which contain very high amounts of fruits and vegetables (F&V) and concurrent high amounts of protein is unknown. Here we compare measured NAEs with established NAE-estimates in subjects ...
Dieta Paleo – Artigo 09
effect of dietary phytoestrogens on human growth regulation: imprinting in health & disease
Vital evidence is needed to understand the effect of dietary phytoestrogens and related compounds on human growth regulation and their impact on health and disease. This review brings together strands of evidence which support the view of moderating our diet, and offers potential solutions to the global epidemic of cardiovascular disease and endocrine cancer through selective dietary practice and functional foods. The first of the four sections sets the epigenetic scene and the dietary context. ...
Dieta Paleo – Artigo 08
Diet-Induced Weight Loss Alters Functional Brain Responses during an Episodic Memory Task
Objective : It has been suggested that overweight is negatively associated with cognitive functions. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a reduction in body weight by dietary interventions could improve episodic memory performance and alter associated functional brain responses in overweight and obese women. Methods : 20 overweight postmenopausal
women were randomized to either a modified paleolithic diet or a standard diet adhering to the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations ...
Dieta Paleo – Artigo 07
Diet and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Abstract: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are increasingly becoming interested in nonpharmacologic approaches to managing their disease. One of the most frequently asked questions of IBD patients is what they should eat. The role of diet has become very important in the prevention and treatment of IBD. Although there is a general lack of rigorous scientific evidence that demonstrates which diet is best for certain patients, several
diets—such as the low–fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide,
monosaccharide, and polyol diet; ...
Dieta Paleo – Artigo 06
Determining how best to support overweight adults to adhere to lifestyle change: protocol for the SWIFT study
Background: Physical activity plays a critical role in health, including for effective weight maintenance, but adherence to guidelines is often poor. Similarly, although debate continues over whether a “best” diet exists for weight control, meta-analyses suggest little difference in outcomes between diets differing markedly in macronutrient composition, particularly over the longer-term. Thus a more important question is how best to encourage adherence to appropriate life...
Dieta Paleo – Artigo 05
Cutting through the Paleo hype: The evidence for the Palaeolithic diet
Background: General practitioners (GPs) are commonly asked about popular diets. The Palaeolithic diet is both highly popular and controversial.
Objective: This article reviews the published literature to establish the evidence for and against the Palaeolithic diet.
Discussion: The Palaeolithic diet remains controversial because of exaggerated claims for it by wellness bloggers and celebrity chefs, and the contentious evolutionary discordance hypothesis on which it is based. However, a number of ...