day : 05/12/2017 21 results

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 15

Zinc is a critical regulator of placental morphogenesis and maternal hemodynamics during pregnancy in mice Zinc is an essential micronutrient in pregnancy and zinc defciency impairs fetal growth. We used a mouse model of moderate zinc defciency to investigate the physiological mechanisms by which zinc is important to placental morphogenesis and the maternal blood pressure changes during pregnancy. A 26% reduction in circulating zinc (P=0.005) was exhibited in mice fed a moderately zinc-defcient diet. Zinc defciency in pregnancy resulted in an 8% reduction in both near term fetal and ...

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 4

Environmental exposure to zinc and copper influences sperm quality in fertile males Introduction. The presented study was designed to investigate the associations between environmental exposure to zinc and copper and levels of the parameters of oxidative stress and antioxidant defence system and selected cytokines in the seminal plasma of fertile males. Materials and methods. The study population consisted of 65 fertile male volunteers from the southern region of Poland. Based on the medians of the levels of copper and zinc in seminal plasma, the study subjects were divided into 4 ...

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 10

Zinc as a Gatekeeper of Immune Function After the discovery of zinc deficiency in the 1960s, it soon became clear that zinc is essential for the function of the immune system. Zinc ions are involved in regulating intracellular signaling pathways in innate and adaptive immune cells. Zinc homeostasis is largely controlled via the expression and action of zinc “importers” (ZIP 1–14), zinc “exporters” (ZnT 1–10), and zinc-binding proteins. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of zinc have long been documented, however, underlying mechanisms are still not entirely clear. ...

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 5

Quantifiable effects of regular exercise on zinc status in a healthy population—A systematic review Zinc is an essential mineral of which its functions have potential implications on exercise performance and beneficial adaptations of physical activity. While the effects of aerobic exercise on zinc metabolism acutely have been well described, the effect of long-term exercise training on zinc status remains unclear. The present review aims to determine the effects of exercise training on markers of zinc status in an apparently healthy adult population. We conducted a systematic literature ...

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 2

Adherence to zinc supplementation guidelines for the treatment of diarrhea among children under–five in Uttar Pradesh, India Background There is limited evidence on adherence to the recommended dose and duration of zinc supplementation for diarrheal episodes in children under five years of age. In selected districts of Uttar Pradesh, India, we sought to assess adherence to the nationally advised zinc treatment regimen (ie, 10 mg/day for ages 2–6 months and 20 mg/day for ages 7–59 months for 14 days) among caregivers of zinc–prescribed children. Methods We identified and ...

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 8

The Relationship between Zinc Status and Inflammatory Marker Levels in Rural Korean Adults Aged 40 and Older Background Serum cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP) are known as one of the major risk factors in atherosclerosis. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of zinc have been suggested, but few data are available on the relationship between zinc status and inflammatory markers in epidemiological studies. Objective The present study aims to investigate the cross-sectional relationships of serum cytokines and CRP with dietary zinc intake and serum zinc levels in healthy ...

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 20

Zinc, aging, and immunosenescence: an overview Zinc plays an essential role in many biochemical pathways and participates in several cell functions, including the immune response. This review describes the role of zinc in human health, aging, and immunosenescence. Zinc deficiency is frequent in the elderly and leads to changes similar to those that occur in oxidative inflammatory aging (oxi-inflamm-aging) and immunosenescence. The possible benefits of zinc supplementation to enhance immune function are discussed.

Ações do Zinco na Saúde Humana – Artigo 6

Roles of Zinc Signaling in the Immune System Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient for basic cell activities such as cell growth, differentiation, and survival. Zn deficiency depresses both innate and adaptive immune responses. However, the precise physiological mechanisms of the Zn-mediated regulation of the immune system have been largely unclear. Zn homeostasis is tightly controlled by the coordinated activity of Zn transporters and metallothioneins, which regulate the transport, distribution, and storage of Zn. There is growing evidence that Zn behaves like a signaling molecule, ...