day : 29/11/2018 20 results

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 12

Intestinal Microbiota and Probiotics in Celiac Disease SUMMARY Celiac disease (CD) is a common chronic autoimmune enteropathy caused by gluten intake. To date, the only therapy for CD is the complete exclusion of dietary sources of grains and any food containing gluten. It has been hypothesized that the intestinal microbiota is somehow involved in CD. For this reason, probiotics are appearing as an interesting adjuvant in the dietetic management of CD. This review aims to discuss the characteristics of the microbiota in CD subjects and the use of probiotics as a novel therapy for ...

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 11

Indications and Use of the Gluten Contamination Elimination Diet for Patients with Non-Responsive Celiac Disease Abstract: For the majority of patients diagnosed with celiac disease, once a gluten-free diet is initiated, symptoms improve within weeks and may completely resolve in months. However, up to 30% of patients may show signs, symptoms or persistent small intestinal damage after one year on a gluten-free diet. These patients require evaluation for other common GI etiologies and assessment of their celiac disease status in order to make a diagnosis and suggest treatment. Here, ...

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 10

Effector and suppressor T cells in celiac disease Abstract Celiac disease (CD) is a T-cell mediated immune disease in which gliadin-derived peptides activate lamina propria effector CD4+ T cells. This activation leads to the release of cytokines, compatible with a Th1-like pattern, which play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of CD, controlling many aspects of the inflammatory immune response. Recent studies have shown that a novel subset of effector T cells, characterized by expression of high levels of IL-17A, termed Th17 cells, plays a pathogenic role in CD. While these ...

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 9

Effect of Gliadin on Permeability of Intestinal Biopsy Explants from Celiac Disease Patients and Patients with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Abstract: Background: Intestinal exposure to gliadin leads to zonulin upregulation and consequent disassembly of intercellular tight junctions and increased intestinal permeability. We aimed to study response to gliadin exposure, in terms of barrier function and cytokine secretion, using intestinal biopsies obtained from four groups: celiac patients with active disease (ACD), celiac patients in remission (RCD), non-celiac patients with gluten sensit...

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 8

Dietary compliance in celiac disease Abstract Celiac disease is an immune-mediated disorder that causes severe architectural disturbance in the small intestinal mucosa of genetically-predisposed individuals. Impaired absorption of multiple nutrients results and diarrhea and weight loss develop. Evidence has accumulated that a strict gluten-free diet can result in resolution of diarrhea, weight gain and normalization of nutrient malabsorption. In addition, histopathological changes also normalize, but this histopathological response appears to be time-dependent, sex-dependent and ...

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 7

Diet and Psoriasis: Part 2. Celiac Disease and Role of a Gluten-Free Diet Abstract Psoriasis patients have been shown to have a higher prevalence of other autoimmune diseases including celiac disease, a condition marked by sensitivity to dietary gluten. A number of studies suggest that psoriasis and celiac disease share common genetic and inflammatory pathways. Here we review the epidemiologic association between psoriasis and celiac disease and perform a metaanalysis to determine whether psoriasis patients more frequently harbor serologic markers of celiac disease. We also examine ...

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 6

Deficiencia de micronutrientes y enfermedad celíaca en pediatría RESUMEN La enfermedad celíaca (EC) parece estar cambiando en su clínica, desde formas diarreicas con desnutrición hasta aquellas con clínica más silente y más tardía. La enteropatía de la EC ocurre con malabsorción de macro- y micronutrientes, que incluyen Fe, Zn, Cu, folato, Ca, vitaminas E, D, B12 y B6, con mecanismos de transporte alterados. La anemia ferropriva se ha descrito en EC como única manifestación o como la manifestación extraintestinal más frecuente. La deficiencia de Zn es frecuente ...

Nutrição e Doença Celíaca – Artigo 5

Celiac Disease and Overweight in Children: An Update Abstract: The clinical presentation of celiac disease in children is very variable and differs with age. The prevalence of atypical presentations of celiac disease has increased over the past 2 decades. Several studies in adults and children with celiac disease indicate that obesity/overweight at disease onset is not unusual. In addition, there is a trend towards the development of overweight/obesity in celiac patients who strictly comply with a gluten-free diet. However, the pathogenesis and clinical implications of the coexistence ...