month : 02/2023 11 results

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Artigo 2

Síndrome de Sjögren: revisão de literatura e acompanhamento de um caso clínico Resumo A síndrome de Sjögren é uma doença inflamatória sistêmica, de natureza auto-imune, caracterizada pela infiltração linfocitária progressiva de vários órgãos exócrinos e não exócrinos. Acomete preferencialmente as glândulas salivares e lacrimais determinado prejuízo estrutural e disfunção secretória destes órgãos. A produção de auto-anticorpos e a hipergamaglobulinemia policlonal indicam que anormalidades na imunidade humoral desempenham um papel importante na patogenia desta ...

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Cartilha de Intervenção Nutricional

Associados, juntamente com os artigos do mês, vocês receberão uma cartilha resumo com as principais intervenções nutricionais da condição/ doença que é tema do mês! A cartilha resumo poderá ser utilizada como um material de apoio para o momento do atendimento nutricional, facilitando a prescrição de condutas com base nos dados mais recentes dos estudos científicos.

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Artigo 10

Sjögren’s syndrome: an autoimmune disorder with otolaryngological involvement Summary Sjörgen’s syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune exocrinopathy characterized by lymphocyte infiltration of salivary and lacrimal glands that leads to progressive xerostomia and xerophtalmia. One-third of patients suffer of systemic manifestations including arthritis, fever, fatigue and mucosal dryness whereas those with major salivary involvement show an increased risk to develop low-grade non-Hpdgkin lymphomas. In addition, a minority of patients show symptoms related to progressive hearing loss whose ...

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Artigo 9

Resveratrol improves salivary dysfunction in a nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse model of Sjögren’s syndrome Resveratrol is a natrual polyphenol produced by plants in response to environmental stress. This compound has been shown to have pharmacological effects against a wide range of diseases including neurological, hepatic, cardiovascular and autoimmune conditions. The nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse, in which loss of lacrimal and salivary gland function occurs, has been studied as an animal model for Sjögren’s syndrome. In this study, we confirmed that administration of resveratrol ...

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Artigo 8

Gut dysbiosis is prevailing in Sjögren’s syndrome and is related to dry eye severity Abstract Objective To investigate gut dysbiosis in patients with Sjo¨gren’s syndrome (SS) or dry eye syndrome (DES) compared to normal subjects and to evaluate the association of dysbiosis with dry eye severity. Methods 10 subjects with SS, 14 subjects with DES and 12 controls were enrolled. Corneal staining, tear break up time (TBUT) and tear secretion were evaluated. Bacterial genomic 16s rRNA from stool samples were analyzed. Main outcomes were microbiome compositional differences among groups ...

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Artigo 7

Dietary Intake, Body Composition, and Oral Health Parameters among Female Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Abstract: There is limited knowledge about dietary intake and body composition among patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. We assessed dietary intakes with 24-h recalls and body composition with anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance in 20 female patients. Various scoring tools were used to assess oral health. The patients had a lower energy percentage (E%) from carbohydrates (p = 0.02) and a higher E% from fat (p = 0.01) compared to a reference group. The lower ...

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Artigo 6

A randomized controlled trial of omega-3 fatty acids in dry eye syndrome Abstract ·AIM: To evaluate the role of dietary supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids in dry eye syndrome. · METHODS: A prospective, interventional, placebo controlled, double blind randomized trial was done at two referral eye centers. Two hundred and sixty-four eyes of patients with dry eye were randomized to receive one capsule (500mg) two times a day containing 325mg EPA and 175mg DHA for 3 months (omega -3 group). The omega-3 group was compared to a group of patients ( =254) who received a placebo (placebo ...

Nutrição e Síndrome de Sjögren – Artigo 5

Recomendações para o tratamento da síndrome de Sjögren R e s u m o As recomendações propostas pela Comissão de Síndrome de Sjögren da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia para tratamento da síndrome de Sjögren foram baseadas em uma revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados Medline (PubMed) e Cochrane até outubro de2014 e opinião de especialistas na ausência de artigos sobre o assunto. Foram incluídos131 artigos classificados de acordo com Oxford & Grade. Essas recomendações foram elaboradas com o objetivo de orientar o manejo adequado e facilitar o acesso ...