• Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 16

    Omega 3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Improve Endothelial Dysfunction in Chronic Renal Failure: Role of eNOS Activation and of Oxidative Stress Abstract: Background: Endothelial dysfunction is a key vascular alteration in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Omega 3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) reduce vascular oxidative stress and inflammation. We investigated whether n-3 PUFA could reverse endothelial dysfunction in CKD by improving ...
  • Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 15

    Nutrient intake assessed with Diet History Questionnaire II, in relation to long-term calcium-phosphate control in hemodialysis patients with end-stage renal failure Abstract Background. Diet is a key factor that determines proper alignment of calcium-phosphate and nutritional status among hemodialysis (HD) patients. Objectives. To assess the nutrient intake in relation to long-term calcium-phosphate control in HD patients with end-st...
  • Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 14

    Nephrotoxic Effect of Aspartame as an Artificial Sweetener Aspartame is one of the most popular artificial sweeteners over the world. Although its consumption is considered to be safe in acceptable daily intake ranges which were set by the United States Food and Drugs Administration and other regulatory agencies, there are lots of controversies regarding its safety nowadays. Some of the recent experimental and epidemiological studies ...
  • Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 13

    Higher Protein Intake Is Not Associated with Decreased Kidney Function in Pre-Diabetic Older Adults Following a One-Year Intervention—A Preview Sub-Study Abstract Concerns about detrimental renal effects of a high-protein intake have been raised due to an induced glomerular hyperfiltration, since this may accelerate the progression of kidney disease. The aim of this sub-study was to assess the effect of a higher intake of protein on ...
  • Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 12

    Green Tea Polyphenols Ameliorate the Early Renal Damage Induced by a High-Fat Diet via Ketogenesis/SIRT3 Pathway Scope. Several reports in the literature have suggested the renoprotective effects of ketone bodies and green tea polyphenols (GTPs). Our previous study found that GTP consumption could elevate the renal expression of the ketogenic rate-limiting enzyme, which was decreased by a high-fat diet (HFD) in rats. Here, we investigated ...
  • Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 11

    Efficacy of Nutritional Interventions on Inflammatory Markers in Haemodialysis Patients: A Systematic Review and Limited Meta-Analysis Abstract: Low-grade chronic inflammation is prevalent in patients undergoing haemodialysis (HD) treatment and is linked to the development of premature atherosclerosis and mortality. The non-pharmacological approach to treat inflammation in HD patients through nutritional intervention is well cited. We ...
  • Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 10

    Effects of 12-Week Low or Moderate Dietary Acid Intake on Acid–Base Status and Kidney Function at Rest and during Submaximal Cycling Abstract Prolonged effects of dietary acid intake on acid–base status and kidney function have not yet been studied in an intervention study in healthy subjects. Dietary acid load can be estimated by calculating the potential renal acid load (PRAL) of foods. Effects of low-PRAL and moderate-PRAL di...
  • Nutrição e desequilíbrios renais – Artigo 9

    Effect of Magnesium Supplements on Insulin Secretion After Kidney Transplantation: A  Randomized Controlled Trial Background Hypomagnesemia is associated with a disturbed glucose metabolism. Insulin hypo-secretion predicts diabetes in the general population and in transplant recipients. We aimed to assess whether magnesium improves insulin secretion and glycemic control after transplantation in prevalent hypomagnesemic kidney transp...