
Instituto Brasileiro de Nutrição Funcional Respeite seus Genes!

Posts by IBNF 1455 results

Nutrição e Anemia Ferropriva – Artigo 3

Anemia ferropênica no adulto – causas, diagnóstico e tratamento Resumo A deficiência de ferro, especificamente a anemia ferropênica, permanece como uma das deficiências nutricionais mais frequentes e importantes no mundo. Este artigo revisa as principais causas de anemia ferropênica, os atuais métodos de investigação diagnóstica e as estratégias de prevenção. O tratamento com ferro deve ser iniciado sempre por via oral, e a investigação apropriada de sua causa é obrigatória; quando houver falha nesse tratamento por causa de grande perda de sangue, má absorção do ...

Nutrição e Anemia Ferropriva – Artigo 2

Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Common and Curable Disease Iron deficiency anemia arises when the balance of iron intake, iron stores, and the body’s loss of iron are insufficient to fully support production of erythrocytes. Iron deficiency anemia rarely causes death, but the impact on human health is significant. In the developed world, this disease is easily identified and treated, but frequently overlooked by physicians. In contrast, it is a health problem that affects major portions of the population in underdeveloped countries. Overall, the prevention and successful treatment for iron ...

Nutrição e Anemia Ferropriva – Artigo 1

Iron deficiency anaemia: pathophysiology, assessment, practical management ABSTRACT The WHO has recognised iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) as the most common nutritional deficiency in the world, with 30% of the population being affected with this condition. Although the most common causes of IDA are gastrointestinal bleeding and menstruation in women, decreased dietary iron and decreased iron absorption are also culpable causes. Patients with IDA should be treated with the aim of replenishing iron stores and returning the haemoglobin to a normal level. This has shown to improve quality ...

Nutrição e Anemia Falciforme – Cartilha de Intervenção Nutricional

Associados, juntamente com os artigos do mês, vocês receberão uma cartilha resumo com as principais intervenções nutricionais da condição/ doença que é tema do mês! A cartilha resumo poderá ser utilizada como um material de apoio para o momento do atendimento nutricional, facilitando a prescrição de condutas com base nos dados mais recentes dos estudos científicos.

Nutrição e Anemia Falciforme – Artigo 10

Influence of Nutrition on Disease Severity and Health-related Quality of Life in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease: A Prospective Study Abstract. Background & Aims: Sickle cell disease (SCD), a genetic disorder resulting from the presence of a mutated hemoglobin S (HbS), has a worldwide distribution and causes significant morbidity and mortality in children and adults. Few studies addressed the determinants of SCD severity in adults; therefore, we investigated the impact of nutrition on the outcome of SCD and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in adult patients. Methods: In this ...

Nutrição e Anemia Falciforme – Artigo 9

Food Consumption of People with Sickle Cell Anemia in a Middle-Income Country Abstract: Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a genetic and hemolytic disease globally characterized by social vulnerability. Food consumption has been insufficiently analyzed in SCA. Secondary iron overload is often observed. This leads to unreliable recommendations for dietary iron restriction. We assessed food consumption and iron intake among adults with SCA. Considering the guidelines for healthy eating, foods were grouped according to the NOVA classification. This transversal study included 74.4% of eligible ...

Nutrição e Anemia Falciforme – Artigo 8

R e v i ew The Role of Nutrition in Sickle Cell Disease Abstract: Finding a widely available cure for sickle cell anemia (HbSS) still remains a challenge one hundred years after its discovery as a genetically inherited disease. However, growing interest in the nutritional problems of the disease has created a body of literature from researchers seeking nutritional alternatives as a means of decreasing morbidity and improving quality of life among HbSS patients. This review demonstrates that over the past 30 years the role of protein/energy deficiency in HbSS has been more clearly defined ...

Nutrição e Anemia Falciforme – Artigo 7

Manual informativo 2018 Linha de Cuidados – Doença Falciforme: Linha de cuidados na Atenção Primária para Nutricionistas Manual Informativo: Doença Falciforme: Linha de cuidados na Atenção Primária para Nutricionistas / CEHMOB – Centro de Educação e Apoio para Hemoglobinopatias. Belo Horizonte: NUPAD/FM/UFMG, 2018. (Linha de Cuidados na Atenção Primária à Saúde) 1.Anemia Falciforme. 2.Nutrição. 3.Dietoterapia. 4.Alimentação. 5.Atenção Primária a Saúde. I. Batista, Aline Poliana Silva, et al. Org.. II. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Faculdade de ...