
Instituto Brasileiro de Nutrição Funcional Respeite seus Genes!

Posts by IBNF 1443 results

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 15

Heavy metal contamination of prenatal vitamins AB S T R A C T Prenatal vitamins are often consumed daily during gestation and postnatally for up to 18–24 months with the belief that supplementation achieves better outcomes. Detrimental effects of gestational exposure to adverse chemical agents are gathering increasing attention. This study was designed to assess toxic element contamination in prenatal supplements. Twenty-six commonly used prenatal vitamin brands including one prescription brand were collected from Canadian health-food outlets and pharmacies, and tested for toxic ...

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 14

Harmful Elements (Al, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb) in Wild Berries and Fruits Collected in Croatia Abstract: Fruits and vegetables are considered a beneficial contribution to the human diet. Especially, berries contain a great deal of bioactive compounds, such as anthocyanins, organic acids, tannins, phenols, and antioxidants. Apart from organic substances, inorganic nutrients are also present in fruits. Some metals and metalloids are essential for humans, whilst others may exhibit harmful effects. Wild grown berries, collected in so-called unpolluted areas, are considered to be free of any ...

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 13

Exposure to toxic metals triggers unique responses from the rat gut microbiota Our understanding of the interaction between the gut microbiota and host health has recently improved dramatically. However, the effects of toxic metal exposure on the gut microbiota remain poorly characterized. As this microbiota creates a critical interface between the external environment and the host’s cells, it may play an important role in host outcomes during exposure. We therefore used 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing to track changes in the gut microbiota composition of rats exposed to ...

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 12

Estimated Dietary Intake of Trace Metals from Swordfish Consumption: A Human Health Problem Abstract: Trace element (Hg, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr) occurrence was determined in the muscle tissue of swordfish collected in the Mediterranean Sea to assess whether the intakes complied with the recommended levels for essential metals and permissible levels for toxic elements. Metals were analyzed by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu AA 7000). The methodology of Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) was also evaluated. The ranking order of toxic metal concentration was Hg > Cd ...

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 11

Environmental and dietary exposure of young children to inorganic trace elements Abstract Children are exposed to toxic metals and metalloids via their diet and environment. Our objective was to assess the aggregate chronic exposure of children aged 3–6 years, living in France, to As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Sb, Sr, and V present in diet, tap water, air, soil and floor dust in the years 2007–2009. Dietary data came from the French Total Diet Study, while concentrations in residential tap water, soil and indoor floor dust came from the ‘Plomb-Habitat’ nationwide representative ...

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 10

Effect of Environmental Intervention on the Consumption of Rice without Toxic Metals Based on the Health Belief Model and Ecological-Social Model ABSTRACT Introduction: The effect of instructional models on the changing behaviour of consuming contaminated rice with toxic metals has not been investigated in Iran yet. Aim: To compare effect of Health Belief Model (HBM) and Ecological (ECO) social model on decreasing the consumption of rice contaminated with toxic metals. Materials and Methods: The study aimed at implementing a six-month interventionist program among three groups (HBM, ECO ...

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 9

Dietary Strategies for the Treatment of Cadmium and Lead Toxicity Abstract: Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are toxic heavy metals that cause adverse health effects in humans and animals. Chelation therapy, the conventional treatment for heavy metal toxicity, is reported to have a number of safety and efficacy issues. Recent studies have shown that dietary supplements play important roles in protecting against Cd and Pb toxicity. This paper reviews the evidence for protective effects of essential metals, vitamins, edible plants, phytochemicals, probiotics and other dietary supplements against ...

Nutrição e Exposição aos metais tóxicos e efeitos à saúde – Artigo 8

Dietary Intake of Cadmium, Lead and Mercury and Its Association with Bone Health in Healthy Premenopausal Women Abstract: The bone is one of the relevant target organs of heavy metals, and heavy metal toxicity is associated with several degenerative processes, such osteoporosis and bone mineral alterations, that could lead to fractures. We aimed to study a presumed relationship between bone density, evaluated by quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS), dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) and the dietary intake of cadmium, lead and ...