
Instituto Brasileiro de Nutrição Funcional Respeite seus Genes!

Posts by IBNF 1455 results


Patê Proteico de Cenoura Receita fácil, prática e gostosa que vai te ajudar a ter proteína no café da manhã e lanches intermediários também!😋 Ingredientes: 5 cenouras médias 🥕 225g de tofu firme sem a água 2 dentes de alho 🧄 ½ limão 🍋 2 colheres de sopa de azeite extravirgem 1 colher de sopa de shoyu sem corante caramelo 1 colher de chá de sal marinho🧂 1 colher de chá de cebolinha picada🌱 1 colher de chá de masala ou curry Modo de preparo: Comece descascando a cenoura e corte-a em rodelas médias; Em seguida ...


Molho de Iogurte com Hortelã Esse molho é extremamente fácil, fica uma delícia para comer com salada 🥗 e também maravilhoso para comer com um grelhado ou carne assada, churrasco ou por cima de uma torradinha, um pão sírio. Você vai amar ❤️ Ingredientes: 1 xícara de iogurte natural sem sabor 2 colheres de sopa de azeite extra virgem 🥄 ½ limão espremido 🍋 2 a 3 ramos de hortelã picado 1 colher de chá de sal 🧂 1 colher de café de páprica doce (ou picante se você preferir) 1 pitada de pimenta do reino preta Modo de preparo: ...


Ovos no purgatório Essa receita é uma ótima opção para sair da mesmice e preparar seu jantar rápido, prático e delicioso! 😋😋 Ingredientes: 2 ovos 🍳 1 lata de tomates pelados em cubos de 400g ¼ de pimentão vermelho picado ½ cebola picada 🧅 1 dente de alho picado 🧄 2 colheres de sopa de azeite ½ colher de chá de orégano seco 1 pitada de pimenta calabresa seca Sal a gosto 🧂  Modo de preparo: Pique a cebola, o pimentão (retirando as sementes), o alho e reserve; Adicione em uma frigideira aquecida o azeite e refogue a ...

Discussão Científica – Dieta Low Fodmap no SII – Profª Silvia Ferolla – Artigo 21

The Relationship between Low Serum Vitamin D Levels and Altered Intestinal Barrier Function in Patients with IBS Diarrhoea Undergoing a Long-Term Low-FODMAP Diet: Novel Observations from a Clinical Trial Abstract: Decreased serum vitamin D (VD) levels have been associated with gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). VD can also modulate the intestinal barrier. Given the link between the GI barrier’s alterations and diet, attention has aroused the positive effects of the Low FODMAP Diet (LFD) on IBS patients’ symptom profile. We evaluated the GI ...

Discussão Científica – Dieta Low Fodmap no SII – Profª Silvia Ferolla – Artigo 20

REVIEW ARTICLE Re-challenging FODMAPs: the low FODMAP diet phase two Abstract The low fermentable, oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP) diet has good evidence for use in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Importantly, patients are encouraged not to remain on a strict low FODMAP diet long-term, and many patients maintain symptom improvement with a relaxed, moderate FODMAP restriction. The re-challenge phase is crucial to assist patients in identifying speci!c dietary triggers, reduce the level of dietary restriction required, and ...

Discussão Científica – Dieta Low Fodmap no SII – Profª Silvia Ferolla – Artigo 19

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth—Pathophysiology and Its Implications for Definition and Management  Abstract The concept of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) arose in the context of maldigestion and malabsorption among patients with obvious risk factors that permitted the small bowel to be colonized by potentially injurious colonic microbiota. Such colonization resulted in clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory abnormalities that were explicable within a coherent pathophysiological framework. Coincident with advances in medical science, diagnostic testing evolved ...

Discussão Científica – Dieta Low Fodmap no SII – Profª Silvia Ferolla – Artigo 18

Neurotransmitter and Intestinal Interactions: Focus on the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Abstract Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder of unknown etiology. IBS is caused by a disruption in the gut-brain axis. Given the importance of the gut microbiota in maintaining local and systemic homeostasis of immunity, endocrine, and other physiological processes, the microbiota-gut-brain axis has been proposed as a key regulator in IBS. Neurotransmitters have been shown to affect blood !ow regulation, intestinal motility, nutrient ...

Discussão Científica – Dieta Low Fodmap no SII – Profª Silvia Ferolla – Artigo 17

Optimizing educational methods for the low FODMAP diet in disorders of gut–brain interaction: A feasibility randomized controlled trial  Abstract Background: A diet low in fermentable oligo-saccharides, di-saccharides, mono-saccharides and polyols (low FODMAP diet) is complex and clinical effectiveness is achieved with dietitian-led education, although dietitian availability in clinical practice varies. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of undertaking a trial to investigate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of different education delivery methods of the low FODMAP diet in ...