flavonoids 2 results

Diabetes e nutrição – Artigo 3

Bioactive Compounds and Their Neuroprotective Effects in Diabetic Complications Hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and impaired insulin signaling during the development of diabetes can cause diabetic omplications, such as diabetic neuropathy, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. Although various therapeutics are available for the reatment of diabetic neuropathy, no absolute cure exists, and dditional research is necessary to comprehensively understand the underlying pathophysiological pathways. A number of studies have demonstrated the potential health benefits of bioactive compoun...

Nutrição e Depressão – Artigo 7

Dietary flavonoid intake and risk of incident depression in midlife and older women ABSTRACT Background: The impact of dietary flavonoid intakes on risk of depression is unclear. Objective: We prospectively examined associations between estimated habitual intakes of dietary flavonoids and depression risk. Design: We followed 82,643 women without a previous history of depression at baseline from the Nurses’ Health Study [(NHS) aged 53–80 y] and the Nurses’ Health Study II [(NHSII) aged 36–55 y]. Intakes of total flavonoids and subclasses (flavonols, flavones, flavanones, ...