month : 10/2017 22 results

Revista Brasileira de Nutrição Funcional – 2017 – edição 71

Baixe a versão parcial da revista. Para baixar a completa, é necessário ser associado. Nesta nova edição, importantes atualizações científicas nas áreas de Nutrição Clínica, Nutrição Esportiva e Fitoterapia contribuirão para a prática clínica de nossos leitores. Em Nutrição Esportiva, uma esclarecedora revisão acerca do papel do nitrato na performance esportiva, proveniente de fontes alimentares ou suplementares, mostrará ao profissional dessa área que a ação desse componente pode ir além da vasodilatação: se bem aplicado, pode potencializar o desempenho em ...

Revista Brasileira de Nutrição Funcional – 2017 – edição 71

Nesta nova edição, importantes atualizações científicas nas áreas de Nutrição Clínica, Nutrição Esportiva e Fitoterapia contribuirão para a prática clínica de nossos leitores. Em Nutrição Esportiva, uma esclarecedora revisão acerca do papel do nitrato na performance esportiva, proveniente de fontes alimentares ou suplementares, mostrará ao profissional dessa área que a ação desse componente pode ir além da vasodilatação: se bem aplicado, pode potencializar o desempenho em exercícios de alta intensidade e curta duração. Ainda sobre nutrição e esporte, ...

Nutrição e Saúde Cardiovascular – Artigo 9

Effects and Mechanisms of Fruit and Vegetable Juices on Cardiovascular Diseases Many studies have indicated that consumption of vegetables and fruits are positively related to lower incidence of several chronic noncommunicable diseases. Although composition of fruit and vegetable juices is different from that of the edible portion of fruits and vegetables, they contain polyphenols and vitamins from fruits and vegetables. Drinking vegetable and fruit juices is very popular in many countries, and also an efficient way to improve consumption of fruits and vegetables. The studies showed that ...

Nutrição e Saúde Cardiovascular – Artigo 5

Cardiovascular risk associated with high sodium-containing drugs: A systematic review Background Excess dietary sodium is associated with increased blood pressure (BP). Some drugs are associated with high sodium intake (in particular effervescent tablets), but the cardiovascular risk associated with such high sodium-containing drugs (HSCD) is largely underevaluated. Objectives To summarize the evidence for a potential cardiovascular risk associated with exposure to HSCD, and to highlight possible risk factors associated with this iatrogenic issue; in general and/or specific population...

Nutrição e Saúde Cardiovascular – Artigo 10

Sedentary lifestyle is associated with metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors independent of physical activity Background: Sedentary behavior is a main risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. Aim: To investigate the association between sedentary behavior and metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors. Material and Methods: We assessed 322 participants aged between 18 to 65 years. Physical activity and sedentary behavior were measured with accelerometers (Actigraph®). Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, percentage of body fat, diet and blood markers (glucose, ...

Nutrição e Saúde Cardiovascular – Artigo 15

Olive oil intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the PREDIMED Study Background: It is unknown whether individuals at high cardiovascular risk sustain a benefit in cardiovascular disease from increased olive oil consumption. The aim was to assess the association between total olive oil intake, its varieties (extra virgin and common olive oil) and the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in a Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk. Methods: We included 7,216 men and women at high cardiovascular risk, aged 55 to 80 years, from the PREvención con ...

Nutrição e Saúde Cardiovascular – Artigo 12

Hydroxytyrosol in the Prevention of the Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders Virgin olive oil (VOO) constitutes the main source of fat in the Mediterranean diet. VOO is rich in oleic acid, displaying health-promoting properties, but also contains minor bioactive components, especially phenolic compounds. Hydroxytyrosol (HT), the main polyphenol of olive oil, has been reported to be the most bioactive component. This review aims to compile the results of clinical, animal and cell culture studies evaluating the effects of HT on the features of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) (body weight/adip...

Nutrição e Saúde Cardiovascular – Artigo 3

A Randomized Study of the Effects of Additional Fruit and Nuts Consumption on Hepatic Fat Content, Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Basal Metabolic Rate Background Fruit has since long been advocated as a healthy source of many nutrients, however, the high content of sugars in fruit might be a concern. Objectives To study effects of an increased fruit intake compared with similar amount of extra calories from nuts in humans. Methods Thirty healthy non-obese participants were randomized to either supplement the diet with fruits or nuts, each at +7 kcal/kg bodyweight/day for two months. ...