month : 04/2020 49 results

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 18

Vitamin D: Effect on Haematopoiesis and Immune System and Clinical Applications Abstract: Vitamin D is a steroid-like hormone which acts by binding to vitamin D receptor (VDR). It plays a main role in the calcium homeostasis and metabolism. In addition, vitamin D display other important effects called “non-classical actions.” Among them, vitamin D regulates immune cells function and hematopoietic cells differentiation and proliferation. Based on these effects, it is currently being evaluated for the treatment of hematologic malignancies. In addition, vitamin D levels have been ...

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 17

Review Vitamin D: Nutrient, Hormone, and Immunomodulator Abstract: The classical functions of vitamin D are to regulate calcium-phosphorus homeostasis and control bone metabolism. However, vitamin D deficiency has been reported in several chronic conditions associated with increased inflammation and deregulation of the immune system, such as diabetes, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. These observations, together with experimental studies, suggest a critical role for vitamin D in the modulation of immune function. This leads to the hypothesis of a disease-specific alteration of ...

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 16

Vitamin C and Immune Function Abstract: Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for humans, with pleiotropic functions related to its ability to donate electrons. It is a potent antioxidant and a cofactor for a family of biosynthetic and gene regulatory enzymes. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Vitamin C supports epithelial barrier function against pathogens and promotes the oxidant scavenging activity of the skin, thereby potentially protecting against environmental oxidative stress. ...

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 15

Vitamin effects on the immune system: vitamins A and D take centre stage Abstract Vitamins are essential constituents of our diet that have long been known to influence the immune system. Vitamins A and D have received particular attention in recent years as these vitamins have been shown to have an unexpected and crucial effect on the immune response. We present and discuss our current understanding of the essential roles of vitamins in modulating a broad range of immune processes, such as lymphocyte activation and proliferation, T-helper-cell differentiation, tissuespecific lymp...

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 14

Role of Vitamin A in the Immune System Abstract: Vitamin A (VitA) is a micronutrient that is crucial for maintaining vision, promoting growth and development, and protecting epithelium and mucus integrity in the body. VitA is known as an anti-inflammation vitamin because of its critical role in enhancing immune function. VitA is involved in the development of the immune system and plays regulatory roles in cellular immune responses and humoral immune processes. VitA has demonstrated a therapeutic effect in the treatment of various infectious diseases. To better understand the relati...

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 13

Influência da nutrição sobre o sistema imune intestinal Resumo Há muito tempo o intestino deixou de ser reconhecido apenas como um órgão de digestão e absorção para assumir seu importante papel imunológico. A função imune do intestino depende de três componentes: barreira intestinal, sistema imune associado ao tecido linfóide (GALT, plasmócitos, linfócitos, imunoglobulina A) e microflora intestinal. O objetivo da presente revisão bibliográfica é apresentar como a nutrição pode influenciar o sistema imune  intestinal, destacando a participação de nutrientes ...

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 12

Prospective study of probiotic supplementation results in immune stimulation and improvement of upper respiratory infection rate a b s t r a c t The human gut microbiota is an important environmental factor for human health with evolutionarily conserved roles in immunity, metabolism, development, and behavior of the host. Probiotic organisms are claimed to offer several functional properties including stimulation of immune system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a probiotic supplementation on adult volunteers who have contracted the common cold four or more ...

Nutrição e Sistema Imune – Artigo 11

Probiotics and immune health Abstract Purpose of review—The beneficial effects of probiotics have been demonstrated in many diseases. One of the major mechanisms of probiotic action is through the regulation of host immune response. This review highlights the recent scientific research findings that advance our understanding of probiotic regulation of the host immune response with potential application for disease prevention and treatment. Recent findings—Probiotic genomic and proteomic studies have identified several genes and specific compounds derived from probiotics, which ...