• Nutrição e Síndrome do Intestino Irritável – Artigo 2

    Advances in nutritional therapy in inflammatory bowel diseases: Review Abstract Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are chronic, life-long, and relapsing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Currently, there are no complete cure possibilities, but combined pharmacological and nutritional therapy may induce remission of the disease. Malnutrition and specific nutritional deficiencies ...
  • Nutrição e Síndrome do Intestino Irritável – Artigo 1

    A cross-sectional study on nutrient intake and -status in inflammatory bowel disease patients Abstract Background and aims: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be associated with nutritional problems. The aim of this study was to nvestigate diet and nutritional status of IBD patients. Methods: A total of 78 participants (35 men and 43 women aged 18–74 years) were included in this cross-sectional study. The majority (80 %) of the ...
  • Ano 16. edição 68 – Revista de Nutrição Funcional

    Em Nutrição Esportiva Funcional, iremos abordar as considerações nutricionais para atletas de luta e os efeitos do jejum intermitente no emagrecimento, dois assuntos relevantes e cada vez mais estudados e discutidos pela comunidade científica. Por fim, na área de Fitoterapia Funcional, uma revisão sobre a silimarina, composto bioativo presente na planta Silibum marianum, mostrará seus efeitos sobre a doença hepática gordurosa não ...
  • Dieta Paleo – Artigo 18

    Subjective satiety and other experiences of a Paleolithic diet compared to a diabetes diet in patients with type 2 diabetes Background: We found marked improvement of glycemic control and several cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes given advice to follow a Paleolithic diet, as compared to a diabetes diet. We now report findings on subjective ratings of satiety at meal times and participants’ other experiences of ...
  • Dieta Paleo – Artigo 17

    Paleolithic nutrition for metabolic syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis Background: Paleolithic nutrition, which has attracted substantial public attention lately because of its putative health benefits, differs radically from dietary patterns currently recommended in guidelines, particularly in terms of its recommendation to exclude grains, dairy, and nutritional products of industry.
  • Dieta Paleo – Artigo 16

    Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet Pattern Scores and Risk of Incident, Sporadic Colorectal Adenomas The Western dietary pattern is associated with higher risk of colorectal neoplasms. Evolutionary discordance could explain this association.We investigated associations of scores for 2 proposed diet patterns, the “Paleolithic” and the Mediterranean, with incident, sporadic colorectal adenomas in a case-control study of colorectal polyps...
  • Dieta Paleo – Artigo 15

    Neandertal versus Modern Human Dietary Responses to Climatic Fluctuations The Neandertal lineage developed successfully throughout western Eurasia and effectively survived the harsh and severely changing environments of the alternating glacial/interglacial cycles from the middle of the Pleistocene until Marine Isotope Stage 3. Yet, towards the end of this stage, at the time of deteriorating climatic conditions that eventually led to ...
  • Dieta Paleo – Artigo 14

    Natural environments, ancestral diets, and microbial ecology: is there a modern “paleo-deficit disorder”? Part I Famed microbiologist René J. Dubos (1901–1982) was an early pioneer in the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) construct. In the 1960s, he conducted groundbreaking experimental research concerning the ways in which early-life experience with nutrition, microbiota, stress, and other environmental variables ...