• Dieta Paleo – Artigo 02

    Cardiovascular, Metabolic Effects and Dietary Composition of Ad-Libitum Paleolithic vs. Australian Guide to Healthy Eating Diets: A 4-eek Randomised Trial Abstract: (1) Background: The Paleolithic diet is popular in Australia, however, limited literature surrounds the dietary pattern. Our primary aim was to compare the Paleolithic diet with the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE) in terms of anthropometric, metabolic and cardiovasc...
  • Dieta Paleo – Artigo 01

    BEYOND THE PALEOLITHIC PRESCRIPTION: INCORPORATING DIVERSITY AND FLEXIBILITY IN THE STUDY OF HUMAN DIET EVOLUTION Abstract Evolutionary paradigms of human health and nutrition center on the evolutionary discordance or “mismatch” model whereby human bodies, reflecting adaptations established in the Paleolithic era, are ill-suited to modern industrialized diets resulting in rapidly increasing rates of chronic metabolic disease. Whereas ...
  • Nutrição e Depressão – Artigo 20

    White blood cell inflammatory markers are associated with depressive symptoms in a longitudinal study of urban adults INTRODUCTION Unipolar depression is a chronic condition1,2 accounting for a major part of the health care system,3 with a lifetime prevalence among American adults of ~ 12% in men and ~ 21% in women.3 Depression and elevated depressive symptoms in general were linked to altered immunity.4–37 Several studies included in ...
  • Nutrição e Depressão – Artigo 19

    Vitamin D supplementation to prevent depression and poor physical function in older adults: Study protocol of the D-Vitaal study, a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial Background: Depressive symptoms and decreased physical functioning are interrelated conditions and common in older persons, causing significant individual and societal burden. Evidence suggests that vitamin D supplementation may be beneficial for both mental and ...
  • Nutrição e Depressão – Artigo 18

    Vitamin D levels and perinatal depressive symptoms in women at risk: a secondary analysis of the mothers, omega-3, and mental health study Background: Vitamin D insufficiency may be associated with depressive symptoms in non-pregnant adults. We performed this study to evaluate whether low maternal vitamin D levels are associated with depressive symptoms in pregnancy. Methods: This study was a secondary analysis of a randomized trial ...
  • Nutrição e Depressão – Artigo 17

    Vitamin D Deficiency and Depressive Symptomatology in Psychiatric Patients Hospitalized with a Current Depressive Episode: A Factor Analytic Study Background Low vitamin D levels have been associated with depressive symptoms in population-based studies and non-clinical samples as well as with clinical depression. This study aimed to examine the association of vitamin D levels with the severity and dimensions of depressive symptoms in ...
  • Nutrição e Depressão – Artigo 16

    The Effects of High-fat-diet Combined with Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress on Depression-like Behavior and Leptin/LepRb in Male Rats Obesity is a condition characterized by massive adipose tissue accumulation, which is usually caused by complicated genetic and environmental factors1–3. Obesity is associated with many health problems including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric disorders4–7. Depression is a ...
  • Nutrição e Depressão – Artigo 15

    Suppression of Neuroinflammatory and Apoptotic Signaling Cascade by  curcumin Alone and in Combination with Piperine in Rat Model of Olfactory Bulbectomy Induced Depression Objectives: Bilateral destruction of the olfactory bulbs is known to cause behavioral changes analogous to symptoms of depression. Curcumin, a traditional Indian spice is currently being investigated in different psychiatric problems including depression. Dietary ...